Sunday, March 23, 2025

Radio : EXD 1328 - Sunday March 23, 2025

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On this edition of EXD,  
  • Songs about capitalism featuring Warzone, Poison Idea, and Crude SS 
  • Bands recently in town like Connie, Mt Goose, Psychbike, and Black Budget 
  • New releases, discoveries and teasers by Faucheuse, Split System, Sistema da Muerte, and Glitterfast 
  • A feature interview with Tom Ellis of Static Shock records, and
  • Poison Spear in our demo feature 
G.I.S.M. - Nuclear Armed Hogs (Dogma) 

New stuff and discoveries (Andre) 
FAUCHEUSE - Vertige (Symphony of Destruction) 
HEAVY LUNGS - Yes Chef (FatCat)  
DEFCON 1 - The Giant (Fortress
SELF DEFENSE - Objective Reality (Slow Death)  
SPLIT SYSTEM - On The Loose (Legless/Drunken Sailor/Green Noise) 

Songs about capitalism (Bee) 
WARZONE - Don’t forget the struggle don’t forget the streets (Fist records) 
GRAND SCHEME - Click Buy Consume (11PM
STRETCH MARKS - Professional Punks (Headbutt / Sounds Escaping
POISON IDEA - Cult Band (Fatal Erection) 
CRUDE SS - Destroy Capitalism (Uproar) 

Bands recently in town (Rob) 
CHEAP SETS - Golden Grrrls (Self-released) 
CONNIE - Joni (Self-released)  
MT. GOOSE - Don't eat the fruit you found at the bottom of the jungle juice (Ego Death) 
PSYCHBIKE - Eddie (Tetryon Tapes)   
BLACK BUDGET - Insanity (King Pizza) 

New releases and teasers (Christian) 
GLITTERFAST - Faster Louder (Chinzuri / Slovenly)  
SKEPTIS - Eskalasi Dominasi (A World Divided)  
PUÑAL - Jodido Personaje (LVEUM)  
SPAM CALLER - Tick of the Clock (Phage)  

Interview with Tom Ellis (Stephen). Edited by Christian Overall 
A feature interview with Tom Ellis who runs Static Shock Records. Static Shock is a label out of the UK that has released a lot of Canadian releases and the label has recently relocated to Toronto. We thought we would celebrate that by doing a deeper dive into the label. 

DANGERLOVES - Young Pretender (Static Shock
Interview with Tom Ellis (CIUT) 
THE SHITTY LIMITS - Here are the Limits (Static Shock
Interview with Tom Ellis (CIUT) 
ALVILDA - Angoisse (Static Shock) 
Interview with Tom Ellis (CIUT) 
URBAN BLIGHT - Total War (Static Shock)
Interview with Tom Ellis (CIUT) 
DEAF MUTATIONS - Crash the Clubs (Static Shock
MISANTHROPIC MINDS - Kill Hubtown (Sewercide
Interview with Tom Ellis (CIUT) 
VIOLENT FUTURE - Violent Future (Static Shock
S.H.I.T. - Feeding Time (Static Shock
Interview with Tom Ellis (CIUT) 
CAREER SUICIDE - Borrowed Time (Static Shock
Interview with Tom Ellis (CIUT) 
BOOTLICKER - Jackboot (Static Shock
WHITE COLLAR - Alt (Static Shock
Interview with Tom Ellis (CIUT) 
IMPLODERS - Short Fuse (Static Shock / Neon Taste) 
Interview with Tom Ellis (CIUT) 
THE NUMBER ONES - Sharon Shouldn’t (Static Shock
HYGIENE - 15 Minute City (Static Shock
Interview with Tom Ellis (CIUT) 

Demo Feature 
POISON SPEAR - feature members from PEI and Montreal. Just released a cassette called "Institutional Trust" that came out in January. Andre played them back in February. 

POISON SPEAR - Poison Spear (Self-Released) 
POISON SPEAR - Sympathetic Contraction (Self-Released) 
POISON SPEAR - National Trust (Self-Released) 

THE SKUD FUX - Ska Song (Self-Released)

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