Sunday, September 22, 2024

Radio : EXD 1302 - Sunday September 22, 2024

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On this edition of EXD, 
  • a feature interview with DC band Soulside 
  • New releases by Beef (Cincinati), Het Up, Night Court, Posicion Unida, Gut Health, Wolf Charge, Wolf Brigade, and Yellow Cake 
  • a listening party for the new Search Warrant release
  • but up first a set on Crust with Gloom, Decomp, and Assuck
 鉄アレイ(Tetsu Arei) - No Machine Trouble (Sunshine Sherbet Records) 

Crust (Bee) 
SHIT LEGION - Village of Apathy (Scum Tribe) 
GLOOM - Uranium Bullet for Peace (MCR) 
TOWER 7 - Delusion of Enlightenment (Roachleg
ZYGOME - 6th Extinction (Black Against Night
DECOMP - Rotted State (Black Water
ASSUCK - Body Politic Equation (Sound Pollution) 

Mixed bag (Rob) 
BEEF - I’ve Got to Find Out (Goodbye Boozy
HET UP - Painless Disorder (Cursed Blessings) 
MAN-KA-ZAM - Spankathon (Britz) 
NIGHT COURT - Mistakes Become You (Recess
YUNG SCUMZ - Sum ppl (Self-released)  

New Releases (Chris) 
WOLFCHARGE - Keep Quiet, Consume & Die (Self-released)   
WOLFBRIGADE - Cyanide Messiah (Metal Blade) 
TOY TIGER - Cold Blooded (Self-released)   
TUBE ALLOYS - Evil Angels (LVEUM)   
YELLOWCAKE - Vinyl Chloride Rain (NFTW / Total Peace)  

Stuff (Andre)
PURE IMPACT - I Don’t Care (Self-Released) 
RETAIN - Dirt N/E 
POCISIÓN UNIDA - Ver Del Daño   
GUT HEALTH - Stiletto  
VESSEL - Telephone 

Soulside interview 
I really like Soulside.I think part of what I like about them is I feel like I grew up with them. As I was getting into the hardcore scene they too were emerging from a well known punk scene in DC. At their first show in Toronto they wound up staying at my parents place in North York even though they don’t remember it. But my dad did. They gave him a Soulside shirt which he always wore and he hated punk so that was the irony for me. The band were unique in the punk scene and were part of a generation of punks that experimented with sound in many ways. When I heard they were back together and recording I was excited and nervous. When I found out they were coming to town I reached out to the singer Bobby Sullivan to see if we could do an interview. He remembered me which made me feel good and was quick to accept. Before we get into that conversation this is a track called “Survival off the band’s latest release - A Brief Moment in the Sun. 

SOULSIDE - Survival (Dischord) 
Interview with Bobby Sullivan (CIUT) 
SOULSIDE - Bass (Dischord) 
Interview with Bobby Sullivan (CIUT)
KINGFACE-Starvation Food 
Interview with Bobby Sullivan (CIUT)
LUNCH MEAT - Looking Around (Sammich) 
Interview with Bobby Sullivan (CIUT) 
THE SLINKEES - I Drink Milk (Dischord) 
Interview with Bobby Sullivan (CIUT)
SOULSIDE - Fresh Air (Sammich) 
Interview with Bobby Sullivan (CIUT) 
SOULSIDE - War (Dischord) 
Interview with Bobby Sullivan (CIUT) 
SOULSIDE - Reconstruction (Dischord)

Listening Party - Search Warrant (Andre) 
Search Warrant are from the New Bedford, Mass. They have a new release titled "Unflawful Demonstration". 

SEARCH WARRANT - Insanity Plea 
SEARCH WARRANT - Qualified Immunity 

Ska Outro
WINSTON AND THE CHURCHILLS - Why Do You Do (Self-Released) 

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