Sunday, August 18, 2024

Radio : EXD 1297 - Sunday August 18, 2024


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On this edition of EXD, 
  • An interview with Indian Giver
  • A tribute to Bill Korecky who is responsible for recording bands like Ringworm, Integrity and Day of Mourning. 
  • New releases by Total Con, Wet Pleather, Flesh Trade, Pollute, Guillotine, Freak Genes, Osees, Jug, Peace de Resistance, Reek Minds, 48 Heures, Regional Justice Centre, Distante, and Fentanyl
  • A demo feature by Java from Montreal. 

22RE - Civilian Casualty (Bummer Tapes

Indian Giver interview (Stephen)
I first heard about Indian Giver from Andre. And then again in Jenny Blackbird’s feature on First nations punk. I got to speak with Evan from the band last week about the band and their new release “Dark Legacy II”. 

INDIAN GIVER - Soul Wound (Self-Released) 
INDIAN GIVER - Interview (CIUT) 
INDIAN GIVER - Jails (Self-Released) 

You can reach the band on instagram

Mixed Bag (Bee) 
TOTAL CON - Scorched Earth Policy (Brainrotter/Unlawful Assembly) 
WHITE CROSS - Speed of the Presses (Zero Degree) 
IMPACT - Polizia (Self-Released) 
MISANTHROPIC MINDS - Fascist Frat (Sewercide)  
WET PLEATHER - Control Pt. 1 (Broken Skull) 

Bill Korecky Tribute (Andre) 
EARTH CRISIS - Firestorm (Victory
RINGWORM - Numb-Blind To Faith (Incision) 
INTEGRITY - Hollow (Victory) 
CATHARSIS - Bow Down (CrimethInc
ASCENSION - Center Circle Pawn (Toybox) 
IN COLD BLOOD - Blood On Our Hands (Victory) 
DAY OF MOURNING - Iconoclast (Sounds of Revolution) 
9 SHOCKS TERROR - Prozac Logic (Devour Records) 

New Releases (Rob) 
FREAK GENES - Reflective Surface (Feel It) 
OSEES - Look at the Sky (Castle Face) 
JUG - Jug Theme (Neon Taste
THE CARP - Fairview Park Skins (Total Punk)
PEACE DE RESISTANCE - 40 Times the Rent (La Vida Es Un Mus

New Releases (Chris) 
BÖDEL - Bilan Faller (Distat)   
FLESH TRADE - Cold Blood (1753
POLLUTE. - Flick of the Switch (Self-released) 
GUILLOTINE - Apocalypse (1753)  
BLESS - Spräckta Snutskallar (Shitlickers) (Self-released) 

Mixed Bag (Nicky)
REEK MINDS - Burden/Lack of Virture (Iron Lung) 
48 HEURES - Riches & Celebres (Self-released)  
MILITARY MIND - Bled Dry (Self-released)  
LIQUIDS - 11 AM (Computer Human)  
SUBJECT II CHANGE - Lilith (Undivided Attention)

New Stuff (Andre)
REGIONAL JUSTICE CENTER - Freedom (Closed Casket Activities) 
HOCKEY SMILE - Droppin’ The Mitts/Penalty Box (Self-Released) 
DISTANTE - Presión 
TEXTURE FREQ - Golden Pavillion (Dirty Cult
WRECKED CULTURE - Age of Men (Self-Released)
FIRESTARTERFIRESTARTER - Through Fire and Pain (From Within) 
FENTANYL - Blind (Convulse)   

Demo Feature - Java
Java are a band from Montreal. First played them on the July 7th edition of this show in a set of new releases by Andre. Java have played on quite a few shows in Montreal, opening up for FLQ, Suspex, Organ-ism, Stingray, and Antisect. 
JAVA - 50/50 (Self-Released) 
JAVA - Deadbeat (Self-Released) 
JAVA - Dog Show (Self-Released) 
JAVA - Snakepit (Self-Released) 
JAVA - Java (Self-Released) 
JAVA - Jumper (Self-Released) 

Ska Outro 
DIRTNAP are playing See Scape next Sunday  
DIRTNAP - Corpse Dust (Self-Released)
SKA VENDORS - B.L.T. (Skaman)

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