Sunday, December 4, 2022

Radio : EXD 1229 - Sunday December 4th, 2022

On Tonight’s show a look back at Gauze, a feature on Delayed Gratification, new releases, and a demo feature by Butcher’s Laugh. You can download the show here

GAUZE - Pressing On (Prank)
New releases (Chris)
CROSSHAIRS - Police Story (The Partisans) (Mendeku Diskak)
MESS - Don’t Look Back (Mendeku Diskak / Beach Impediment
THE CHISEL - You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet (Mendeku Diskak/ Beach Impediment
MÉFAIT - Facade (PILS / Total Rampage) 
EXPLOATOR - Skiter På Allt (Phobia

Some new releases (Rob)
OSEES - Fucking Kill Me (Castle Face
NATURE BOYS - Caught in the Fix (Dead Broke / Dirt Cult
THE SOVIETTES - Blue Stars (Dead Broke
NO WAY - Breaking Point (Our Own)

Delayed Gratification Records
Delayed Gratification Records is a label run by Vladimir Necovski and is based in Cleveland, Ohio. On this weeks set, André interviews Vlad about the label, how he chooses his bands, how the pandemic affected the scene in Ohio, vinyl and tape production, as well as Vlad choosing 5 bands off of his label and why he loves them. Enjoy! Photo courtesy of Kristen Necovski (IG: @kristenecovski) Vlad is the dude on the left in the above photo. 

EN LOVE - Thrill Is Gone (Delayed Gratification
PREVENTION - What Must Be Done (Delayed Gratification

Our namesake for the show has just called it a day. Reported in Metal Injection - Gauze, the influential Japanese hardcore punk band, are breaking up after 41 years. They announced the news today (November 26) on the band’s official Twitter. “Report of disbandment of GAUZE,” reads a translated version of their statement. “Ever since I became a current member, I have decided that if even one person leaves the group, it will be disbanded. That statement alludes to one of the rare interviews Gauze did during their career. In 1997, bassist Shin told Maximum Rocknroll, “To be honest, if one of the members quit, it won’t be Gauze anymore. We never change the members. It’s not because how good they play, but how they think or feel about these things.” Gauze formed in 1981 in Tokyo, Japan. Singer Fugu, guitarist Momorin, and Shin remained in the band over its 41-year-long career, with drummer Hiko joining the original members in 1989. They established themselves as a hardcore punk band that played around with D-beat and thrash conventions. Famously, they wanted to capture the feeling of grindcore without maximizing their tempo. “There is a limit to how fast you can play. We wanted to challenge the limit,” Shin told MRR. “To us, the feeling of the speed is the most important part.” Here's a track off of everything Gauze released. 

GAUZE - Syodokueki (ADK) 
GAUZE - Desperate (City Rockers)
GAUZE - Core Tick (ADK / XXX) 
GAUZE - Crash the Pose / Distort Japan (Selfish) 
GAUZE - 山深雪未溶 (Selfish) 
GAUZE - 歯を喰いしばれ (Prank)
GAUZE - ワッショイ (Wasshoi) (XXX)
GAUZE - メシ喰え (XXX / Prank
GAUZE - 言いたかねえけど目糞鼻糞 (XXX) 

Other sources

Demo feature
Tonight's demo feature is the brand new release on Slow Death by a band called Butcher's Laugh. 

BUTCHER'S LAUGH - Die Rabid (Slow Death)
BUTCHER'S LAUGH - Quantified (Slow Death)
BUTCHER'S LAUGH - Terror Dripping (Slow Death)
BUTCHER'S LAUGH - Mental Hygiene Unit (Slow Death)
BUTCHER'S LAUGH - Pixelated (Slow Death)
BUTCHER'S LAUGH - Shooting Target (Slow Death)

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