Friday, May 31, 2002

Thursday, May 23, 2002

Wednesday, May 1, 2002

MRR Interview - Skinjobs

Here is an interview with a 3-piece homo-core band from Vancouver. Mitch Fury used to play in Sparkmarker. This interview appeared in issue #226 of MRR which is the May 2002. Click the image above to get a PDF of the interview.

Toronto Scene Report - May 2002

Here is a scene report I wrote on Southern Ontario back in 2001. The report appeared in the May 2002 issue of MRR, which is out of print. Click on the image above to get a PDF of the piece.

MRR Interview - Haymaker

Haymaker were an awesome band from Hamilton. Deranged was right behind the band and Gord DuFresne was able to do an interview with Jeff Beckman about the band. Long time friend Steve Wiltse, who was also the singer in Our War, did the introduction. This interview appeared in Issue 228 or MRR which came out in May 2002. Unfortunately the back issues of this issue are not available, but click on the cover above and you can get a PDF of it.


This issue came out in May/June of 2002 and featured an interview with Put to Shame.