Monday, June 24, 1996

Strain "These Years" ep

This was Strain's third ep. The singer, Eric, also hosted a local radio show called Flex Your Head. I think Strain were touring Europe around this time. The songs on here are:
1. These Years
2. Regret

Thursday, June 20, 1996

Zine - Full Contact 01

This was a glossy zine put out by a long time friend of mine Rod Orchard. I knew Rod from the hardcore scene back in the day and we re-connected at Lee's Palace. I worked as a bar back and Rod was doing security. Rod was also taking all kinds of awesome photos of the hardcore scene. He was mostly into the tough guy sound. Issue 1 features interviews with 25 Ta Life, Earth Crisis, and Disciple. Rod liked to stir the pot so there is all kinds of controversial issues throughout. Click the above image to get a PDF of the issue.

Wednesday, June 19, 1996

Holocron "Celestial Sphere" ep

Holocron were a band that initially had a Star Wars gimmick. Their first demo was all about Star Wars. This ep was recorded at Signal to Noise Rob Sanzo and James Cavalluzzo of Malhavoc. Winter Records, which was a label in London run by a guy from Shoulder, put this out. The cover had a fancy fold over and the songs on here are:
1. 7 Times
2. Cop Comes Knockin'
3. e-fix
4. Dear